Psychoanalytic analysis of the main character of the novel "Learned of the Devil and Burned" based on Alfred Adler's theory

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Student of Persian language and literature, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.



Based on Alfred Adler's psychoanalytic theory, this article analyzes the character of a woman named Volga, the main character in the novel "From the devil learned and Burned" by Farkhondeh Aghaei. The main question of the research is that Volga's neurotic behavior in this novel is influenced by what complexes and what was the main reason for the formation of this complex in him? The results of the research show that the lack of mental health of Volga's mother's character and her violent behavior towards Volga caused Volga to suffer from personality defects and inferiority complex due to neglect in her education. The receiver type is prominent in her personality as she expects others to fulfill her needs instead of trying. By overcompensating, Volga tries to overcome the inferiority complex, as she shows her financial situation is better than it actually is, and therefore, by spending excessively, she falls into inappropriate financial conditions and is forced to borrow from others. In Volga's character, a suspicious of others and a mistrust of society has developed. Instead of treating others honestly and showing her heartache with them empathetically, she is distrustful and suspicious of them, as she does not even pay attention to the advice of her friends and psychoanalysts. She does not ask for advice or help from others; She has an unhealthy lifestyle and blames her failures on others and society. All these signs confirm her lack of mental health.
