Analysis of the story of the denial of Moses (pbuh) on the prayers of Shaban Masnavi Manavi based on the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan.

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Student of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch.

2 Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

3 University of Literature and Foreign Languages, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch



Concepts of Lacanian psychoanalysis can be seen in the story of Musa and Shaban Masnavi. Rumi tries to guide the seeker after entering the mirror stage and passing from the imaginary field to the symbolic field, which is the closeness to the single soul that achieves the stage of death and survival by being close to Allah. In this story, the main characters with the object Others try to reach the truth from the imaginary world to the symbolic world, and in the end, Moses and Shaban reach a kind of immortality of the soul and the continuity of divine love. The purpose of this research is to analyze the evolution and growth of the story's characters from the perspective of Lacan's theory, and these concepts can be a suitable tool for reviewing this story.

In this research, it is argued that the formation of human personality occurs in the unconscious.

In addition, this research shows that each character's understanding of reality is highly dependent on his position in one of Lacan's stages.
