A study of narrative focalization methods in the novel "Younes's romances in Jamshid Khanian's belly" based on Gerard Genet's theory

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor Shiraz

2 Payem-e- Noor University



In the present study, by recognizing the analysis of Khanian's skills in constructing and dealing with the narrative and examining its methods from the perspective of centralization based on Gerard Genet's theory, the question arises that; From what point of view does the narrator look at the people and events of the story? The narrative of the story is limited to the point of view? The focus of the novel formed in this novel is temporal, spatial, psychological and ideological, and the narrator is the center of attention, which justifies the narrative and the polyphony of the narrative. Frequency, duration, and timing are significantly in the text, and love and war are the two main focal points that flow in the pure love of two adolescents due to the violence and cruelty of war. Jamshidkhanian, one of the prominent writers in the field of children and adolescents in Iran with a tendency to real style in his works in recent years, especially in the novel "Younes's romances in the belly of a fish" has led to attracting adolescent audiences.
