An Analysis of the Lyric Components of Iranian Playwrights; Emphasizing on the Plays of Gholamhossein Saeedi, Akbar Radi and Bahram Beizai

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz



Today, play is one of the most widely used forms of lyric literature. Many contemporary Iranian plays have enriched lyric concepts to reflect the feelings and emotions of the author and the playwrights. Some of these concepts include Saeedi, Radi, and Beizai dramas: love element and romantic themes, happy and unhappy feelings and individual emotions of the author and characters, negative view of the author or some characters in the play. The social and personal relationships of people, the dominance of the play of despair and sadness, the interplay of personalities with society, the humorous and sometimes satirical themes in the storytelling and ... among these, human emotional concepts Radi plays more than others, and Saeedi, and Beizai play with emotional and emotional implications. Historical, political, social, and sometimes mythological implications have been associated; the expression of unconscious and self-conscious characters in Saeedi is more pronounced. The focus on personality, language, and poetic expression and narrative in Beizai's plays is remarkable, yet the description and dominance of the sad atmosphere and negative outlook on life and society in the works of all three playwrights, it is very similar in use.
