Analyzing the style of memoirs of poets and writers in comparison with political and political dignitaries From the constitutional era to the Islamic revolution

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Department of Persian of Language and Literature TMU.Tehran. Iran

2 univercity Tarbiyat Modares.



Memoirs are one of the valuable sources for understanding the political, social and cultural structure of different historical periods. This phenomenon, after the constitutional revolution, has attracted the attention of two groups of society; Political, courtiers - literary, cultural gentlemen were placed and it became a different achievement for the image of society's issues and facts. Writing memoirs from the constitutional period to the Islamic revolution, based on the position and position of the writer, emphasize Memoir writers who emphasize writing political memoirs, when they write about their personal and family issues, they provide useful information about the cultural and social history of a nation. Customs, clothing, social norms, beliefs and such points can be found to a large extent in memories, and these points may be in some ways more important than achievements related to the political history of a society; Because losing some of the cultural situation is an issue that historians of official chronicles pay less attention to. The findings of the research indicate the stylistic differences of poets' and writers' memoirs in comparison with political-court nobles. The works of memoirists of these two groups of society were examined from different aspects and there were obvious differences in the fields of linguistics, literature (way of expression, colloquial and colloquial words, vulgar and unpolite words), the issue of the authenticity of memories, the difference of audiences and the motivation for writing memoirs, and the prevailing atmosphere. There are memoirs.
