A Comparative Study of Existence in the Novel of Blindness and Patience

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 univercity Alame Tabatabai

2 univercity Tarbiat modares


"Cory" is an allegorical novel by Jose Saramago. In this novel, the blind devil who rules the inner animal is spoken about. In this novel, Saramago, using many dreamlike allegories and with bitter and biting humor, highlights the monotonous and incoherent life. Chubak in the novel "Patient Stone" also depicts a horrible nightmare of an advanced and industrial society with all the recreated possibilities. A society in which human dignity has been forgotten and returned to the era of barbarism.

The contents of the two novels reflect the influence of Saramago and Chubak's worldview on the views of existential philosophers. The philosophy of existence has based its analysis of human destiny on three important inferences and has considered three signs of existence for it. The purpose of this article is to clarify the three principles of existence (benevolence, morality and faith) in these two novels.

The results of the research indicate that the novel Patience and Blindness is full of existential components such as; Death is suffering, fear and sin.

The characters of these two novels, as a result of the sufferings and sins they experienced in life, were purified in the test, and by passing from the stage of existential existence, they achieved moral existence and then the existence of faith.
