Study Reviewing Narrative Time of Gerard Genette in “Soghubon – Fessoghel –Asvad” Novel by Ihsan Abdel –Qudus

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Graduated from the University of Tehran

2 professor of Tehran University


The time element is the most important matter and is one of the integral components of narration. Ihsan Abd al Qudus (1919. 1990 AD),is one of Romanticism storyteller in the modern Arabic literaturr, writer of the novel soghubon fessoghel asvad bring up an image of African society in 1960 s. This study reviws with an dsscriptivv analysis method and whit consideration of Gerar ganete theory of narrative time, as the most complete theory of narrative time element in three stages order, duration and frequency, studies the novel of soghubon fessoghel asvad. The results were obtainet from the 19/98 of the novel were narrated by flashinh back or a time leap in the normal course of his narrative at 41 point with retrospectively, which involves 15/85 of the novel and at 44 point with reference to future that includes 4/13 of the novel. Continuance in this novel that is 259 pages and including calendar tim would be 665 days, 2/567 days evaluat for each page. The average acceleration of the novel is 10/02 days per pages wich indicates a negative rhythm of the text. In the novel was common to function various types of frequency and frequent repeats with frequent storytelling, for instance 23 events at the same time and telling them over and over again is the reason why the novel has been slow.
