Critical Discourse Analysis of Marzbannameh Based on Norman Farklaf's Theory (Case study: The Sory of Zirak and Zarvi)

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and literature, Razi University

2 phD student in literature


Critical discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary branch of linguistics that examines the hidden power relations and ideological processes in linguistic texts to analyze the sociology of language. Marzbannameh is one of the allegorical texts of pre-Islamic Iran in which the author deals with the pathology of socio-political issues of his time or previous periods. This writing aims to analyze the critical discourse of the text of the story of "Zirak and Zarvi" from the sixth chapter of Marzbannameh based on the theoretical framework of Norman Farklaf, in three levels: description, interpretation and explanation in a descriptive-analytical way. The result is that this text, while recounting the actors' communication system based on the hierarchy of power in pre-Islamic Iranian society, plays an important role in conveying the prevailing beliefs and values in society and the discourse of the characters in the story. In order to consolidate the political thought of the author and the intellectual space and power of the possibilities available in the speech of the characters of the story, the explanation of why this text was produced according to the prevailing policy of that period.
