Song Daoyejon Chalupoles and Napoleon's Two in Satire Verbal the Comperison

Document Type : Scientific Research




Verbal humor is a branch of discourse analysis and discourse analysis is a branch of linguistic knowledge that aims to examine the content of the word in context and examines linguistic, social, and cultural characteristics in order to explain how meaning and work evolve. The linguistics of discourse analysis can provide an appropriate application in the analysis of dramatic texts and provide a comprehensive explanation of all aspects of the structure of the language of the text and the tools that are effective in generating verbal humor. Therefore, in addition to the linguistic analysis of verbal satire, patterns can also be introduced to create humor. Since understanding and comparing the discourse of the literary works of the world and comparing them, helps us to understand human phenomena, it is therefore necessary to pay attention to the two famous comedic works of Iran and America from this perspective. For this purpose, the author sought to compare the comedy of Daiijan Napoleon by Iraj the Doctor and the Neil Simon's The Pokémon based on the discourse analysis approach. In this article, after defining verbal humor, elements such as "contradiction", "exaggeration" and "mojahedin", "word play", "repetition" and "dramatic irony" as factors in creating "verbal humor" on the story of Daei Jhan Napoleon ”and“ Pokémon ”are analyzed and presented with examples. According to the findings of this study, in Napoleon's Daiyan, all sorts of humor arise from verbal arrays, but in keywords, the author is not very careful in choosing words, and is more concerned with the content. In the semantics of language too, the irony of the contradiction in both works is high.
