Investigating the Role of Causal Relationships Based on the Narration of Sa'di Bostan

Document Type : Scientific Research


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Shahrekord University. Iran


One of the important issues about narration is the narrative sequence and the role of causal factors in fiction planning. The causal relationships of narrative creator, especially in our educational literature, are formed in relation to the various themes of society. In this article, we have tried to study the causal relations and dominant themes in Saadi's narrative as well as his way of solving the riddle of the anecdotes. The dominant causal relationships in Boostan's anecdotes as a teaching and ethical text were factors such as the culture and ideologies of society, ethical features, mystical discourse. Also, the presence of typographic characters in the narrative design was examined. Saadi's narrative in explaining the causal relations of his story is often the formation of a dialogue that solves the narrative's plot. The founding of the story based on these themes reflects Saadi's attention as a moral teacher to various social issues. The relationship between the structure and content for the boostan is triggered.
