The analysis of ideological elements in Yoosefi's Babayar

Document Type : Scientific Research



On all occasions, ideology has an undeniable role due to the inevitable integration of people ideas in the process of decision-making and public life. Literary works authors are also influenced by their ideologies, and sometimes they promote ideologies of dominant educational system of society. This article has reviewed Mohammad reza Yoosefi's Babayar in terms of covert and overt ideologies using descriptive analytical method. The reviews based on Marx, Althusser, Gramsci bpt, found that most discussed values in the works include honesty, dedication, homeland defense and others that have been emerged in the novels as an overt ideologies. This issue is thanks to authors’ concern and educational structure dominating the society. However, the covert ideologies discussed in these books include effort of dominant or superior forces to maintain their rule over the impoverished community through educational and coercive structures.however these ideas lead the readers to itnrepret the writter's thought easily and have a challenge with the text.
