The story of ((‌ rental house)) The ((Bozorg Alavi)) According to the content of Sociological



Alavi has arisen in one of the biggest stories of the great ¬ evolution and expansion of short stories in contemporary literature has an important role. His stories critical of the tendency to express ¬ ¬ discusses various problems in society.Story ((¬ rental house)) ¬ A short story collection Gilehl Man)) is a Bozorg Alevi community developments with regard to the social reality of the period it is written.In this research effort is based on the theory that ¬ ((¬ ogy of content)) is a subset of ¬ ((¬ The cognitive literature)) be paid to the analysis of this story.Alavi has arisen in one of the biggest stories of the great ¬ evolution and expansion of short stories in contemporary literature has an important role. His stories critical of the tendency to express ¬ ¬ discusses various problems in society.Story ((¬ rental house)) ¬ A short story collection Gilehl Man)) is a Bozorg Alevi community developments with regard to the social reality of the period it is written.In this research effort is based on the theory that ¬ ((¬ ogy of content)) is a subset of ¬ ((¬ The cognitive literature)) be paid to the analysis of this story.
