The concept of "narrative technique" and its effects on contemporary Persian fiction

Document Type : Scientific Research


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Among the major topics of fiction and criticism Persian fiction, discovery and representation techniques of the modern novel, is a subject worthy of the attention so far has not.
By now trying to position "fictional techniques" in contemporary fiction, and it is not possible to open it without careful consideration of the technique.
Techniques such as suspending the meaning of the parable, the story Khvdvyzhh language-based relationship with the texts before the intertextuality itself ....
This article critically reviews new developments to see the influence of the Anglo-Saxon criticism of the movement developed within the critical
theory of the formalism to post-constructivism.
After examining various aspects of technical terms, its place in literature and its role in the story line while providing precise examples of contemporary Persian fiction, try the Concise as possible, and provide a novel way to understand and evaluate techniques to study the structure must be practical and active.
In the end, for example, is mentioned several techniques of contemporary Persian fiction in the story.
Keyword: fiction, novel techniques / narrative, the story of modern / contemporary Persian
