The Limits of Magical Realism in Bive Koshi (Killing the Widows) by Yusof Alikhani

Document Type : Scientific Research


Critics have written points on the elements of magical realism in Biveh-Koshi novel by Yusof Alikhani; however, their efforts to scrutinize these elements in this novel have not been sufficiently systematic. The researchers and authors of this article have been tried to study this novel after introducing the prominent elements of magical realism. Thematically and structurally speaking, this novel has emphasized the past rituals and traditions and it has special features which distinguish it from the other magical, folkloric, fantasy and gothic literature around the world. Magical realism in contrast to the folkloric ones tries to change the perceptions of readers based on their wisdom and strengthening their minds toward the analysis of social events. At the end of the novel, Alikhani allows his heroines to question wrong traditions, and to free him/herself from the wrong traditions, especially the idea of master-disciple relationship, and create her/his own destiny. Moreover, many elements of magical realism are incorporated in the surface structure of this novel such as neutrality of the narrator in narrating astonishing incidents, adaptation of folkloric stories and traditions, and special attention to the five senses of humans in order to create a magical atmosphere. Unlike the majority of magical realist novels, Biveh-Koshi lacks a technically complicate plot. The narration of this story is in a linear style and all the ambiguous points of this puzzle will be put together and will be clear for the readers and there won't be any room to suspect; this issue is against the spirit governing the major magical realist works of the world.


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