Morphological Analysis of Humay & Humayoon Legend by Khajooyeh Kermani

Document Type : Scientific Research


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2 Ph.D. Student of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University


Structuralism is a kind of methodology that analyses structures and studies the governing rules. One of the structuralistic approaches in the literature is narratology. The  first  academic studies in  this  field  were  the  researches done by Vladimir  Prop on  one hundred  Russian  folkloric  tales. And the   result   of   these studies was   the publication   of   a book called morphology of Pari Tales”.   He summarized the narrative structure of those tales in different sections such as seven fields of action and thirty fields of functions. The tale of Humay and Humayoon composed and written by Khajooyeh Kermani, the great mystic poet of the eighth century, is accounted as one of the most important works of the old Persian Literature of narrations. In this essay, the story of Humay and Humayoon was analysed structurally according to Propp’s morphology method. The result s show that most of the points defined by Propp have been observed in this legend.  Also,  his  narratologistic  theory can  be  adaptable to  this  tale  and   the  other classical  Persian  narrations.


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