"Stress" and Ways of Dealing with it and its Analysis in the Novel of Savušun by Simin Daneshvar

Document Type : Scientific Research




Fulfilling interdisciplinary studies and writing research papers on their topics by various researchers in the recent years was so significance in the domain of literature. One of these topics, reflecting science of psychology in literary works, and adapt it to the modern theories of many comparing them with the findings of modern psychology is so necessary; "Stress" is one of the concepts as, despite its widespread use, there are still no clear single concept to describe it. The word stress had been inserted and introduced in the domain of medical and psychiatric sciences trough the engineering fields. Regarding the engineering point of view, stress refers to an external factor which imposes on an object or an animal and changes in it. Concepts, causes and consequences of stress, as a complex scientific issue, have always attracted the attention of behavioral sciences' researchers. Broad range of stress factors, its destructive impacts on a country and health of an individual and the attractiveness of its scientific research, could be the logical reasons the psychologists to scrutinize the importance of stress. Savušun S. Daneshvar is initiating a new chapter in the history of Iranian fiction. The author of this socio-political novel had written the events and consequences of Iran occupied by the British. This writer had portrayed an image of the changes and developments of Fars Region during the World War II by a poetic, prose, and precise style. In this novel, each of the characters faces difficult issues as they will show different reactions toward each of these vents. This research aimed at determining the stress factors (stressors) in Savušun and showing the ways to deal with these factors.


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