The Role of Language in the Reflection of Patriarchal Attitude (Case Study: Blue-Orifice Play by Akbar Radi)

Document Type : Scientific Research


Member of the English Department


The unequal relations between men and women have always held power in the family and community in the hands of men. The women who accept it themselves, they convince hard their children to institutionalize and accept it. One of the manifestation areas of unequal relations between men and women is verbal violence that is being used in men's speeches in order to reconcile spouses and children. The present research seeks to investigate and analyze the verbal violence of men in Akbar Radi's Blue Orifice play, and thus tries to answer these two basic questions through this way:
1. How does the language help the continuance of patriarchal system?
2. What strategies are used to hide verbal violence in this regard?
The results of this research show that verbal violence in men's language helps to preserve patriarchal thinking and patriotism, and in order to hide men's verbal violence, the natural strategy of manifesting such behaviors more widely is used.


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