Teh Believ Ability Device in Marquez's Stories

Document Type : Scientific Research



The believability device is the first condition for narration in the fictional literature. Since the magical realism is a narrative approach to quote the magical, fantastical, supernatural, exaggerative and wonderful accidents, so it is natural that its best device will be the believability or the logic of narration. What has made this literary movement as an independent narrative style is a different approach toward the element of "point of view" and turns it into "the believability device". Believing in metaphysics is the greatest work of magical realism that must be considered by the promoters of the complex concepts like philosophy, mysticism and theology in the domain of literary fiction. Achieving this goal is not possible except by studying the works of the great writers of this field by relying on their recognition and their skills in the other fields such as how to achieve a native, real and the hyper-real realism. In this article, some examples of the use of believability device, especially in the works of the greatest writers of magical realism, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, have been recognized. The most important result of this study is twelve points extracted from the believability skills of Marquez along with explanation and clarification toward how to use them.


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