A Study of Characteristics of Naturalism in I Am a Shadow and Other Stories by Firouzeh Golsorkhi

Document Type : Scientific Research



Literary Naturalism describes general conditions of character in a novel, in context of Time, Location and inherited. This doctrine is considered as one of important doctrines in Iran's fiction. Firouze Golsorkhi is one the recent writers who narrate stories in Naturalism style. Some of her works because of blunt express of obscenities, influence of moment and environment and describe disgusting flavor of poverty are known to be Naturalist ones. Therefore, the researchers of this study attempted to analyze one of her books called "I am a Shadow" and other stories in a librarian. After in-detail scrutiny, it was found that the content of these three short stories, "A Midsummer Afternoon Dream", " I am a Shadow" and "Tenant", are completely matching the contents of Naturalism stories and its factors have a wide presence in these three stories. Introducing 18 Naturalism components with an analysis of examples from these aforementioned stories, and finding the high frequent components is one of the most important achievements of this research. Golsorkhi has also domesticated the contents such as "blunt express of sexual issues" and "portraying the ugliness" with cultures and standards of Islamic community by aligning them.


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