Investigation and Comparison of Shazdeh Ehtejab Novels by Hushang Golshiri and the Names and Shadows of Mohammad Rahim Okhovat based on the Theory of Jeffrey Leech

Document Type : Scientific Research


The analytical method that Jeffrey Leech is used to study the language of a text is, in fact, a linguistic method. He believes that a work within itself has prominent features that its poet or its writer/author chosen them, and this system makes it possible to differentiate between different works. In his classification, Lich categorizes paranormas into two types of linguistic and semantic language, as its linguistic types includes diviations of words, grammar, dialect, style, and time. In this research, by the use of the Leech theory and the inclusion of formalism school literacy aspects/features, two Persian novels with a time interval of 40 years have been investigated in order to extract their literary qualities. The characteristics of these works have been examined in areas such as the moving within the literacy criteria of a text, non-standard vocabularies such as the use of past or long-stading vocabularies, native vocabularies, and the creation of new vocabularies. The results of the studies show that the writing style of Houshang Golshiri turned into difficult writing in Shazdeh Ejjab novel, while Okhovat tended to simple writing in the novels of the names and shadows. In terms of lexical language in these two generations, writers often remain loyal to the source language vocabulary. There is no difference in the creation of new vocabulary in these two generations these generations. In terms of comparison between these generations, it can be said that the second generation (80s) than the first generation (40s) violates the normative rules in a more balanced way to lessen the difficulty of linguistics.


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