Archetypal Criticism of "Hero's Journey" in the Legendary of Banooy-e Hesari, Nezami Haft Peykar, based on Yung and Campbell's Theory

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 M.A. and Instructor, Persian Language and Literature, Azad Universit

2 M.A. and Teacher in Iran Educational System


Joseph Campbell, given the structural similarities between the old stories and legends, as well as the theory of "single myth" and "hero's journey", based on Gustav Yong's views, defined the archaic critique as s new way and introduced a single pattern for all stories. Especially the legends and epics in which the heroes are taking steps to reach their goal. Banooy-e Hesari legend is one of the seven narratives which has been composed by Nezami in Haft Peykar. The basic question in this study is that to what extent this legend can be compatible with this pattern? The results of the research, which has been done through content analysis, indicate that this hero got a spiritual perfection in spite of fulfilling his mission and the materialistic reward that corresponds to the original creation of the Campbell's "hero journey" pattern.


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