Social Realism in the Works of Ahmad Mahmud (By Focusing on Three Elements: Theme, Character and Event)

Document Type : Scientific Research



Ahmed Mahmoud, a contemporary writer, has tried to describe the conditions governing the individual and the community in his works. In his stories, describing the lives of ordinary people, their needs and their concerns by considering the prevailing social system, have been incorporated into narrative stories. This kind of storytelling has put his style among the writers of socialist realism. Mahmoud's tendency toward realism, as well as the signs of social realism in his novels, is a reason to examine his fictional works. For this reason, the present study is grounded on the question: what features of Mahmoud's works are based on the style of social realism. In this study, the main objective was to clarify the realistic realm of Mahmoud's novels and the style of his social realism emphasizing the analysis of the three elements; theme, character, and incident. In this research, by studying library resources and a descriptive-analytic approach, the characteristics of social realism in the novels such as Neighbors, the Story of a City, the Burned Earth, the Zero-Degree Orbit, and the short story of Return as the most prominent examples of Mahmud's realist works have been investigated. Come on. As a result, Mahmoud, with a special interest in choosing the social issues as the themes of his work, and creating the fictional characters as the ones that are the examples of people in our daily lives as well as placing them in the incredible events, has been able to create the works of socialistic realism.


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