Study the Characteristis of Female Language in Contrast Male Language

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 student/payame noor

2 Assistant Professor


There are different opinions and works about language specifications and female work's style. It must be noted that culture has an important role in the style and trend of translation due to the ethical points of Iranian Women. This research has been emphasized to study the specifications of  male and female in the translation of novels.Therefore, 10 novels translated from English language to Persian language were chosen as the sample of this study. The results of research were formed based on Laykoff and Fairclough’s models and the possibility effects of women’ style and idea was considered in the translation of novels. First, linguistic variables was conformed by experts. Then all linguistic variables wee studied in each novel. At the end, the number of female linguistic variables in contrast to the male ones were extracted in the novels' translation. The research’s results was presented in the form of tables and finally, it was determiined that using the linguistic variables such as pause, emotion, change of tone, addressed phrases, color and description of space, gender phrases, nonverbal phrases ,doubt, feelings and empathy, plural forms ,silence ,diminutive nouns and partnership are so high in women's translation like Lakokoff’s model .However ,ratio of difference in using politeness variable is not similar to Lakoff’ model and in this thesis, the variable of speech break is equal between male and females' translations which is in contrast to Fairclough ’s model. Using variables such as telling jokes are more in male's translation but the level of its usgae compared to past is so low


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