Social Mobility in the Persian Novel from 1921 to 1971 (Case Study: Four Sample Novels)

Document Type : Scientific Research


M. A. Student, Persian Language and Literature


The term social mobility refers to the displacement of people from a community center to the other social one. This mobility takes place in both vertical and horizontal ways. The main question of this study reflects how social classes move in the Persian novel during the periods "1921-1971". The research method is an analytical-descriptive one and this study wasdone using library resources and taking into account the successful novels during this period. The result of the research shows that, 1300 to 1325, the social classes of the nobility, the administrative staff and the urban ones have had the most reflection in the Persian novel. In this period, criticism of the social different classes and unhealthy social mobility was one of the most important issues in the novels. The middle class is developing and social mobility is more than vertical mobility. Between 1325 and 1350, the middle urban social class, especially the deprived rural class, workers and peasants reflected more that the other groups in the novels. In this period, social mobility is often among the middle and deprived classes and is a type of horizontal mobility; it means changing subordinate jobs such as rural changes and landless farmers toward the urban marginization. The technical use of modernization at the industrial level, such as the use of tools such as car and tractor, at a cultural level, such as the use of foreign shoes, hats and clothes, without a proper arrangement and the culture of consumption, will lead into consequences of the different social class formation and social mobility, which have been reflected and analyzed in the novels of this period.


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