Analysis of a Series of "Story (Qeseh), Game (Bazi), Happiness (Shadi)" with the Text Addressed Theory (Based on the Novels al-Safinah and Bahth an Walid Masud)

Document Type : Scientific Research


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2 Ph.D. Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University


As a response to the social chaos of its time, modernism refers to a set of cultural and aesthetic changes in the area of arts and literature after the World War I.  In this period, the artistic methods underwent fundamental changes. Accordingly, the authors have tried to address the defining characteristics of modernism in the fiction of Jabra. He is a committed contemporary Palestinian poet who has used the modern approaches to story-telling and the literary school of modernism to describe the bitter realities of war in his occupied land and the alienation of the Palestinian men from themselves and the world around them. The authors of this analytical-descriptive study have tried to answer the question how the modern literary developments have influenced the novels of Jabra. Having been influenced by the modernist trends, it was hypothesized that he was detached from the traditional methods of novel writing which led him to the creation of new different methods. The findings of this study showed that components such as polyphonic effects, non-linear timelines, stream of consciousness, and uncertainty were present in modern novels of Jabra.


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