The Image of Heroines in the Legends in “Jame’ ol-Hekayat”

Document Type : Scientific Research


One of the ways to recognize the societies is the simple language of legends by their content analysis; it is possible to become familiar with the social issues, past ideology of people, the viewpoints of men toward women and their role, the place of women in the past societies and also their characteristics. Legends are the most resources for Folklore literature and studying their protagonists will help the researchers to specify the traditional societies. Jame’ ol-Hekayat is a collection of legends and fables wherein the role of women is worthy of note. The present study attempts to appraise women’s roles, actions and features in the two volumes of “Jame’ ol-Hekayat” from an analytical sociological viewpoint. The results of the study indicate that women have the role of mother, spouse, nursemaid and vagabond in these legends. In some cases, there are chaste women in the legends who are described as virtuous. Moreover, there are persistent thinking women who take the initiative, especially in marital cases, and bravely resist forced marriage. On the other hand, women have also been described as matchmaker, deceitful, prostitute and unintelligent.


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