A Realistic Survey of Dollatabadi's Jail

Document Type : Scientific Research



A literary movement started in the early decades of 19th century, realism still is possesses influence and credit in world literature and writing fiction. As a literary movement rejecting Romanticism, Realism demolished the principles of the theoretical structure of Romanticism. Balzac is the undisputed leader of this movement profoundly influencing the world of literature by publishing his collection of Human Comedy. Mahmood Dolatabadi is one the followers of this school in Iran. Based on the principles of Realism especially focusing on subject, description, and  characterization, this article studies Jail from Dolatabadi's collection Edbar va Ayene through descriptive- analytic method to discover whether this story is realistic or not. This study claims that Dolatabadi has created a realistic story by presenting e realistic slice of social life, characters and their mutual relationships. Highlighting the interrelationship between phenomena, the novelist looks for the reason of his characters behavior in the social and economic situation of the period.Conforming to the norms of Realism, this story makes use of description, dialogue, action is served for characterization, developing the character of the protagonist, and setting. There is almost no irrelevant element in the story.


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