Analysis of a Series of "Story (Qeseh), Game (Bazi), Happiness (Shadi)" with the Text Addressed Theory

Document Type : Scientific Research


1 student

2 Assosiate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University


Each writer for creating a literary work has a hypothetical addressee in his / her main thta s/he creates a work for that imaginative person. These addressees called the intertext addressees or the text addressed. After times this person become very important for critics as far as formed a theory that named in the text addressed. Following the theorists of this approach, this issue was seriously presented in the literature of children by introducing the effective article of Iden Chamber called Intertext addressees or the text addressed. In fact, analyzing and interpreting the childish works regarding this approach can show that whether a literary work was useful for the children or not?  Since Story (Qeseh), Game (Bazi), Happiness (Shadi) in ten series written by Morteza Khosrownejad is one of the best works of children, so the intertext addresses were analysed in order to show the place of children. We want to analyzing them according to in the text addressed theory in order to show their childish level. With due attention to the studied done in this domain, it can be said that tone, language, structure and the elements mentioned in these works as well as the style of these kinds of stories show the small children in these texts. After studying the style, point of view, partiality and the available gaps are important in the stories of children.


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