Difference of Story Structure in Two Narrations from "Afhsin and Boodlof"

Document Type : Scientific Research


This paper aimed at accomplishing a comparative study toward two narrations "Afshin and Boodlof" from Beyhaqi History by Abolfazl Beyhaqi and also Faraj Badol Shedat by Qazi Mohsen Tanooxi. It seems that since there is no difference in the structure of these stories based on the related plot and point of view, regarding the structuralism narrations as well as the analysis of story structure, we can see such differences in spite of their similarities in the kind of narrations and the contract stage of actors. So, it can be said that such contract is obvious in the narration of Beyhaqi Hisroty however, such contract does not exist in the narration of Faraj Badol Shedat by Qazi Mohsen Tanooxi. The results of this analytical – descriptive and library based study showed that considering the theory of these two kinds of narrations, there are actors in these two stories and they follow this structure "PN1=f{s1→s2∩o", however, there is a difference between them based on the story structure and contract stage of actors.


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