Analyzing Negahban Novel Regarding the Viewpoints of Myth and Gothic

Document Type : Scientific Research


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2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University


In the field of story writing and narration, every author can create a story about the different implications of the various subjects such as social, historical, literary and the other topics and tie them with the themes of his / her story. Today, Peyman Esmaeili is considered as one of the young, creative and successful authors in our country whose works has been faced with the readers’ favor and critics’ praise. His latest work is Negahban (the Guard) which has an eventful story that refers to two sides of violence and sentiment and is inspired by an ancient myth as myth of Keyumars under the effects of gothic thoughts. This story happens in a gothic and terrific setting. In this paper, the novel of Negahban is studied by analyzing the content analysis, classifying the topics, presenting the text of this story and referring to the published criticisms and interviews related to this novel. This research states that Peyman Esmaeili presents several effective themes in a lovely mythic texture in his novel. The themes include agitation, illusion and fear which are sometimes completely imaginary, and sometimes appear real and believable and transfer the fictional implications. These themes show the bitter, dreadful and undeniable realities of human life inwardly.


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