The Individuality in Baghdadi man tahf of Mathnaw Ma'navi and Alchemist of Paulo Coelho

Document Type : Scientific Research


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2 M.A. Azzahra University


One of the methods of studying and searching in the classic and literary texts is to use the new theories in studying these texts. These kinds of studies which are being done by considering the most important theories in sciences as sociological, psychological, mythological and anthropological ones is called the external studies of literature. In this essay, Baghdadian man tale from the sixth book of the Mathnawi Ma'navi, on one hand, and Alchemist novel of Paulo Coelho, on the other side, as the rewritten samples of Baghdadian man tale were analysed by using the individuality theory in the analysis psychology school of Carl Gustav Jung [1875-1961]. Jung is one of the theorists of psychoanalysis criticism. Individuality process is accounted as the most important theories in his analytic psychological school. Jung in his theory has a special attention to the collective unconscious and explains the archetypes in his school. The aim of the writers of this article is to read the tale of Mathnawi and Alchemist novel based on the individuality by using the analytical method. At the end, comparing the individuality and its archetypes such as Ego, Shadow, Self, Persona, the Wise Old Man and Anima with its elements was done and then it was concluded that the protagonist's travel of these two tales for earning a rare treasure and approaching a unified psychic layers is totality consistent with the internal travel of a person regarding the individuality as well, these two characters confront with Assas and Bandit (the symbol of self) in Egypt and finally, approach their origin treasure (the symbol of self-individual) in their house and church.


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