Studying the Local Literature in Cloudy Years Novel by Ali Ashraf Darvishian

Document Type : Scientific Research


Local literature refers to a collection of songs, lyrics, poems, stories, traditions, social customs, thoughts, ideas, … of each society. Some of the contemporary writers followed such local / focal novels as this novel was maintained its loyalty to the geographical coordinates of its region and was limited to an especial area as well as the other features such as language, customs, and other ones were mentioned in it. Kermanshah has an important role in such kind of novel writing and most novel writers of this area helped the promotion of this kind of writing. Ali Ashraf Darvishian is one of the well – known novel writers of this province especial in the field of local or focal domain of literature. So he in his work called "Cloudy Years" described the local words, plants, jobs, poems, local sentences, idioms, proverbs, places, … related to this province. The present paper studied this novel and tried to show this kind of literature regarding the related documentary samples.


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