Womans portrait in fiction literature of holy defence in 80s

Document Type : Scientific Research



Women played an important role in forced ware, in a way that their effective presence influenced Literary society. Not only women as main and minor characters are present in fictions but also they have created some works in this field . the aim of this article is to survey Women's position in fiction literature of holy defiance in80s.for this objective twenty important fictions of this decade were examined.Although some women had the desire to attend in war,but their general view toward war was a negative one.being a nurse,providing financial support to warriors are the most important help of women in these fictions.being wounded getting home less,losing belongings and also invasion are some of the problems.that women have faced and in these stories are mentioned.writers of holy defence integrated love and war in order to balance and epical aspects of their works.beleveds presence in war and warriors remembrance bring in mental relaxation for warrior and help him to tolerate difficulties.the number of main characters,active or inactive,static or dynamic positive or negative of women are ather subjects that have been examined and it has been shown that women characters ara rarelymain characters in this fictions and most of them are inactive characters with negative characteristics and thay have not changed.
