Study and analysis of Gothic through malakout by BahramSadeghi

Document Type : Scientific Research


Gothic literature is a branch of romanticism or say pre- romanticism to be more precise. To understand Gothic well, you have to understand European romanticism. Word “Gothic” , is related to architecture originally, But Gothic novel showd a great difference in spiritual taste and attitude of its time. In Gothic stories, the writer engages your minds with secrets horror, and wonder mixed with anxiety and opens an imaginative and melancholic space which are able to be converted into thriller and crime. In fictio Iranian Gothic what causes panic and fear are more space fiction and descriptions of the author Of events in a story. stories after a disconnection malackout by Bahram Sadeghi. Of the important stories in Iron – matches many of Gothiccharactristics. For exapple, unscheduledness, extra or dinary events like jinni for telling and anticipating, absurdity and mental involvement between enternal and external worlds, realizing unreal things, differentiability, villain characters and soon all are well manifested in this story.


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