Examining and analyzing Social symbolism in Gilemard

Document Type : Scientific Research



Symbolism is the art of expressing thoughts and emotions indirectly and, in fact, it is an instrument by which some authors use it to give depth to their works and reflect their intellectual and inner affairs and emotional states. Bozorg Alavi, as one of the great contemporary writers, in his stories including Gilemard novel, uses symbol and symbolism repeatedly. Gilemard is a novel with a political – social theme in critical realism style has been written influenced by social symbolism. The author in this article relying on principles of symbolism in various psychological, naturalistic, social and political domains… believes that emergence of social – political symbols of this novel is greater than psychological and naturalistic symbols and using some words and terminologies in symbolic concepts, the writer has depicted hits time social – political symbols. The present article, given this matter and also lack of serious research on discovering and analyzing symbols of this novel, tries to examine the social – political symbols of Gilemard and explain its interpretation and symbolic statements regarding the contextual signs.
